Spring cleaning should now also include your phone.
Hellogiggles offers the following 8 tips to spring clean your phone:
- Get older pictures off your phone- Consider copying photos and videos to iCloud or Goggle Photos, so you can delete them from your phone and free up space.
- App inventory (get rid of what you don't use)- "Be mindful of the apps that might be taking u data, slowing down your device, and eating battery life." -tech expert Andrew Moore-Crispin
- Organize your apps- move the apps you use the most to the home page and organize your apps into folders
- Deny location tracking- Not all apps need location tracking, and allowing apps to track your location can drain your battery
- Clear cached data- While it can help you save on mobile data, spending more time online means more cache, which can slow your phone down. So clear it!
- Get your charging port cleaned professionally- They have a special tool that can remove dust, lint and debris that may be in there
- Hit RESET- if the system freezes or apps won't launch, start with a clean slate by doing a factory reset. Just remember, back everything up first!
- Make sure you have the latest update- older phones may need a little extra attention, so keep them updated so you'll have the best experience
(Source: Hello Giggles)