Protesters Rally Globally in Solidarity with Washington Women's March

The Women's March and global women's movement stand in solidarity with climate & environmental activism today across all seven continents.

One local event is happening right now across the Walkway Over the Hudson. According to the event description on, "the Poughkeepsie Women’s March Across the Hudson provides a platform for supporters of equality to rally and march in the promotion of civil rights for all— regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, religion or creed.

While each person may have their own reasons for marching, the mission is to bring people together to take a stand on issues that deeply impact all of us:

  • We march to reaffirm the core values of freedom and democracy for all at a time when many fear that their voices will be lost, especially as related to women’s rights, immigrant rights, worker rights, reproductive rights, LGBTQIA rights, environmental rights, rights for all races, and religious freedom.
  • We march in solidarity with communities most affected by hate, intolerance and acts of violence.
  • We march to send a message to our leaders that we stand for human  dignity, equal rights and freedom from discrimination—and that they must too."

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